- Learn main parts of a VHDL program that includes:
- Libraries/packages
- Entity
- Architecture
- Design your first VHDL program that blinks/toggles an LED output every second
- Learn creating testbench to verify hello world VHDL program
- Learn to creating ModelSim and Lattice Diamond project for Hello World program
Example of library declaration
LIBRARY library_name; — Double dash indicates comments
USE library_name.package_name.package_parts;
Usage example:
Library ieee;
USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; — Specifies the STD_LOGIC (8 levels) and the STD_ULOGIC (9 levels) multi-values logic systems
Entity overview
Defines the component name, its inputs and outputs (I/Os) and related declarations (such as generics used within the component).
ENTITY entity_name IS
port_name : signal_mode signal type;
port_name : signal_mode signal type;
END entity_name;
Hello world design problem
- Design a VHDL program to blink/toggle an led every second where the clock input frequency from an oscillator is 1MHz.
Approach to solving this problem
- 1MHz clock means there are 1000000 square wave pulses within 1 second. Period for each pulse is T=1/F = 1us.
- Simply count clk_1MHz pulses up to 1000000 for measuring 1 second time elapsed.
- Reset this counter upon reaching 1000000 pulse count.
- Pick any arbitrary value of the counter to set 1 second clock enable signal, indicating that 1 second has elapsed.
- Perform a synchronized toggle of the led output when clock enable signal is detected.
Summary and conclusions
- You learned to create a basic synthesizable VHDL program and test and verify it in ModelSim and run it on Lattice MachXO3 FPGA
- You learned basic structure of a VHDL program, including libraries, entity and architecture
- You learned to design counter in VHDL
- You learned to create synchronized clock enable signals
- You learned about signals, processes
- All source can be found on GitHub page for this course https://pro.tips/vhdl
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